Bronwyn Piggott
Titanic (Yikes)
Position at The Beehive:
Novelty Mug Liason & Knower of Iconic Music Videos
No matter where I go, I know where I came from: And that is Adelaide (see also: Sia)
Beehive Yearbook Quote:
You're Terrible, Muriel!
If you could have 3 famous people (living or dead) over for a dinner party/social event, who would it be and why?
Nora Ephron & Carrie Fisher. Both incredibly influential in screenwriting, Nora Ephron essentially changed the game on rom-coms and Carrie Fisher had a hand in so many amazing and beloved films as a script doctor. Also it would be a hoot and a half.
And Dolly Parton, I think we'd all get along really well with her and we'd have a lovely sing-a-long.
Do you collect anything? / Do you have any hobbies?
I've just started weaving on a little lap loom and so far I'm really enjoying it. I find it most relaxing to weave whilst taking in several hours of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit on 5USA.
If you could acquire one skill instantly what would it be and why?
Language & accents. I would love to just know any language and be able to talk to anyone in the world (and watch films without subtitles) also, I personally think doing different accents is endlessly entertaining so would love that.